Friday, May 29, 2015

An Old Settler Gone

Obituary for Abraham Thornton 4th, Great grandfather courtesy of the Reedsburg, Wisconsin Library.

The Reedsburg Times 06 Oct, 1899

The death of Abraham Thornton  b circa.1811 d. 1899

In the death of Abraham Thornton which occurred at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Celia Falls in South Minneapolis, another of Sauk County's (Wisconsin) early has gone to his reward.
Deceased was a native of Ohio* [sic] and settled in this county near Loganville in 1855, where he resided until the death of his wife about thirty years ago; and later made his home with his daughter and family in South Minneapolis. The remains were brought to Logansville and interred with beside his wife on Tuesday.
*he was born in Virginia

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