Obituary for Samuel Carter Jr., ca. 1815-1892
This is my 4th great grandmother Eleanor Carter-Thorton's brother. Great grandmother Eleanor, Samuel Jr., and Joseph Carter all migrated to Ohio as Samuel Sr. purchased land in Ohio from Loudoun County, Virginia.
Page: 2 Date Thursday, September 29, 1892 Paper Belmont Chronicle and Farmers, Mechanics and Manufactures Advocate (St. Clairsville, Ohio)
SAMUEL CARTER: An Aged Colored Man of Note Dies of Old Age.
Samuel Carter died from incidents of diseases to age at his home in Wheeling Township (in Belmont County) on the morning of the 21st, aged over 80 years. His death is worthy of more than a passing notice, as his was honest, pure and aspiring to higher place. He was born in Loudoun county, Va.., June 15th 1812, and removed to Ohio he set himself to build up a prosperous and happy home. He recognized the advantages of education, and made provision for his wife to attend school when they were located in the new home. Her teacher was Kirza Kirk and he informs the writer of this, that her progress was beyond belief. When the children were old enough they were sent to school, and race prejudice was so strong that were at times excluded from the public school. When this occurred, the money hardly earned was used pay for schooling, and the result most indeed have been gratifying to their parents. One of their daughters was a teacher in one of the high schools in Wheeling and continued in the profession until her death. Mr. Louis Carter is a teacher of music and their only daughter has a happy home in Cleveland. The family were kind and helpful in sickness and sorrow, and a respectable assemblage both white and colored, attended the funeral services which took place at the A.M.E. Church in Flushing, on the 23rd inst.
courtesy of
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