Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Abraham's Freedom

This is the Order Book wherein Abraham Thornton showed up and swore he was indeed is/was a "free man of color."

"Loudoun County Sct. 14th March 1833
The Register of Abraham Thornton number 842 was presented to the Court examined, found to be correct and ordered to be certified according to the Law.

Copy                         Teste C.Binns Clk
Loudoun County Sct.

I Charles Binns Clerk of the County Court of Loudoun do hereby Certify that the above Register is truly transcribed from the records as it now remains in my Office According to the Law.
In Testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand & Affixed the seal of my office at Leesburg this 14th day March 1833 in the 57th year of the Commonwealth.

Attest C. Binns Clk.

Published in Abstracts of Loudoun County, Virginia 
; Register of Free Negroes 1778-1838 by Townsend Lucas.

Abraham Thornton married Eleanor Carter in June of the same year. Abraham was in the Anit-Slavery Bugle advocating against the yoke of bondage and for the right of women to vote. He was at Convention in Flushing, Ohio where colored people were voicing their opinion. I believe I have a page that may tell me the names of his brothers. Abraham and Eleanor Carter Thornton are my 4th great grandparents. They are the parents of Margaret Thornton who married W.M. Balar. W.M. Balar and Margaret are my 3rd great grandparents. Robert Goins married Mary Adaline Balar and they are my 2nd great grandparents. I confirmed with DNA that Margaret and Eliza who appeared in one Ohio census, that they were indeed sisters.

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