Wednesday, May 06, 2015

The Convention in Flushing, Ohio

from the Library of Congress Chronicling America 

Anti-slavery bulge New Lisbon, Ohio, 30 June, 1855

Headline: Convention at Flushing 

A Convention was held in Flushing, Belmont County on the tenth inst., by the colored people of Harrison, Jefferson and Belmont counties. At this convention a society was organized "for the purpose of effecting a more perfect union among the colored people of above named counties and to " improve their character, develop their intellect and maintain their rights." It is styled, "The Ohio Progressive Liberty Association." Its officers are, President , J.P. Underwood, Vice Presidents Abram Thornton, H. Rankin; Secretaries. J.L. Rivers, D.S. Bruce; Treasurer, Geo. Rivers, Councilmen, J.E. Monk, W.M., James Manly, Robert Pollard, Jesse Hargrove, A.M. Singer, Ellisha Muse, Jacob Rivers.

The society resolved to meet at Saint Clairsville on the first Saturday October next. The Convention resolved to celebrate the anniversary of West India emancipation on the first of August next in Barnesville. 

The following resolutions were adopted:

1. Resolved, the we look upon American Slavery as one of the greatest evils among the American people, both morally and politically, and the we will use every exertion against its extension or continuance amongst us.

2. Resolved, that the Convention enters its everlasting protest against the American Colonization Society. That whenever it makes an appearance upon the American Continent it exist by arousing the bitterest passions of the various portions of community against us a people. And we look upon each of its members as standing in hostile attitude against us. Therefore were must always be prepared to meet them Church or State as combatants.

This resolution was passed by acclamation 

3. Resolved, That we hail with pride and gratitude the annihilation of the two great political parties of this Confederacy, we catch the sound of their death knells, as an indication of moral freedom and the brotherhood of man.

4. Resolved, That it is the various Churches of America that forge the chains of slave and foster the damning prejudice against the color of the face.

H.N Rankin moved it to be adopted. He said he hoped it would adopted unanimously-J.E. Monks spoke against the resolution. H.N. Rankin, Jesse Hargrave, D.S. Bruce, James E. Many, J.P. Underwood for the adoption of the resolution, James E. Monks, Abraham Thornton and others against it.

5.Resolved,  That the oppressed of all climes should sympathize with each other, and as the women of this country are placed on an equality with colored men; politically; we admire their courage and womanly dignity in seeking to throw off their chains. 

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