27 Feb, 1891
An obituary notice:MOUNT VERNON, O. -- Never was our community more startled than this morning of the 27th when the sad news was spread aboard the Mrs. Addie Goins was dead after an illness of only few hours. She leaves a husband*, mother, sisters, brothers and seven children to mourn her demise. There were several lovely floral tributes and the "Ladies Court" assisted to conduct the services, the deceased being a member of that order. She was a true Christian, a loving wife, a patient and devoted mother an amiable daughter and a kind sister.
After I found this I was free to do more research on my 2nd great grandmother's family. I remember seeing her mother Margaret in Robert and Mary's household the first time I looked for them in Mount Vernon, Knox County, Ohio. It was really great to have my 3rd great grandmother's name but it took me a few years to tease out the details of the whole family. I missed some important records like the 1870 non-population schedules where my 3rd great grandfather owned land. When I woke up from my myopic dream, I realized that I had family on my 2nd great grandmother's line. I found my 3rd grandfather in the Mound View Cemetery on the north side of Mount Vernon in Knox County, Ohio. It is where my 2nd great grandparents are buried. My 2nd great grandmother's family finally had my attention. Just when they have my attention I can't find them beyond my 3rd grandfather Marabel W. and Margaret Thorton-Balar. He was born circa 1826. I am not sure if it was Ohio or Virginia. I am looking for his death certificates of him and Margaret. They both died in Knox Country, Ohio. Where I am really lost is trying to find them in records before the censuses taken in Knox County circa 1870. My 2nd great grandparents were married in Belmont County, Ohio in September of 1875. I have searched every conceivable variation of the name Balar. I have not been able to think of one.
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